
Video: Seth Meyers on a Nightmarish Trump Week That's Only Half Over

lawhawk7/27/2017 6:01:02 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area. The GOP noise machine is set to ruptured eardrum (condition not covered under Trumpcare), and Ryan is on the march with his nonsense about how he’s doing the people’s business all while the only people he seems to care about are millionaires like Trump.

McConnell in the Senate continues pushing for a version of Trumpcare that will strip health coverage from tens of millions of Americans. The latest iteration of this is the “skinny” plan, which is just as destructive as all the rest, except the GOP thinks that delaying the effects in some way somehow obscures the fact that it ultimately separates the same number of people from their coverage.

The GOP isn’t above busting the rules, ignoring tradition, and screwing millions of Americans to push for tax cuts for millionaires like Trump. Why? They can’t stand the legacy of a black guy providing health coverage to millions of Americans that weren’t able to get coverage before.

And while that shit show is ongoing, Trump’s busy screwing over the LGBT community that never had any reason to trust Trump in the first place. Trump’s position on transgendered people in service is pandering to the Bible Thumpers while screwing over patriotic LGBT who are serving in our nation’s armed forces.