
Video: The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Bloodnok5/02/2009 4:55:55 pm PDT

I think the creator of the video was wise not to inject politics into this lest it be attacked by one side or the other on political grounds. It’s from the perspective of the banking industry. And, like it or not, banks will do this kind of thing without politics in mind and the politics will follow where the money goes.

IMO, the CRA and the relaxed lending policies tilled and fertilized the soil that allowed this to grow. But it was the demand from the Investment Bankers and big institutions that made it grow exponentially. The government meddling impact would have topped out at “Really Bad Housing Market” under normal conditions. But the actions of the banks in demanding more and more loans and then lying about the valuations and turning these mortgages into multi-billion dollar pools turned this into a catastrophe of the banking industry.