
Reactions to a Manifesto

torrentprime12/03/2009 12:14:44 pm PST

re: #160 DaddyG

There is a point in that article, though, although I agree that “just because you “attend” something, it’s not a charity” is silly.

The LDS Church also is active in political fights far removed from “charity.” Yes, Greenpeace and other orgs agitate for political gain all the time too, but it’s related to their given advocacy target position: “this legislation helps the enviro/women/labor laws , but that one doesn’t” kind of thing. When the LDS, through its churches, communications (including instructions on how to avoid triggering disclosure laws), and calls to action created a campaign organization that reached swing-state presidential campaign levels in an effort to remove access to a governmental license from members of the population that they had a religious issue with, you’re just not in “charity” mode anymore.

Should we call them a PAC, perhaps? (half-sarcasm)