
Stunning Cinematography: Return of the Sun

A Mom Anon1/25/2013 6:56:12 am PST

OK Lizards, this mommy lizard is about to say goodbye to her baby lizard tommorrow. He’s going off to be evaluated at a vocational rehabilitation school for 18-24 yr olds with disabilities. For a month. He’ll be 19 soon, this is the longest he’s ever been away from home. I’m doing my best not to cry or show too much emotion because, well, I want him to feel like this is new adventure, a pathway to adulthood and independance. But wow is this harder than I thought. I’m a mess,lol.

After the month is over, he comes home and we wait for word on when he goes back and for how long, what they will (and won’t ) be able to do for him, etc. I guess I should hold back the tears for when he’s actually gone for the long term, yes?