
Full Frontal Video: Amy Hoggart Discovers Why Finland Doesn't Fall for Fake News

Renaissance_Man10/16/2017 8:07:32 am PDT

re: #131 Shropshire Slasher

Classifying the 62,979,879 people who voted for Mr. Trump as idiots won’t win the Democrats any elections.

And yet they are. And worse - malicious idiots.

From a theoretical standpoint, there is no reason not to exclude them from your potential voters if you are a Democrat. There is no reason not to go after them with as much viciousness and venom as Republicans go after brown people. There is no reason not to alienate them - they will never vote for you. You can personally give them money and administer CPR to their child, and they will still never vote for you. They belong to a cult, and the central tenet of that cult is hating Democrats. Only if they were to somehow leave that cult would it be possible that they might vote for you. So all these attempts to ‘understand’ and ‘win back’ the white middle class are nothing more than media wankery - endless media glorification of mediocre white people insisting that they must be catered to by both parties and all parts of America, lest their tender fee-fees get hurt and they vote for monsters just to spite people.

Well, fuck that.

From a practical standpoint, however, since the media is entirely controlled by fascist autocrats, going after such people will simply produce wall-to-wall coverage demonising Democrats and calling for an end to their ugly identity politics, so that white Republicans can go on with their ugly identity politics quietly and the media can go back to discussing why all of it is Hillary Clinton’s fault. In the end, Democrats are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. America must find a way to reclaim its mass media from the hands of the far right in order to return to sanity.