
The Perfect Take: Monica Martin & Scary Pockets, "Thoughtless"

lawhawk2/07/2019 6:13:17 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Trump’s tweeting away as usual and he’s attending the National Prayer Breakfast, which is surprising since he hasn’t spontaneously combusted yet.

Trump’s on Mueller watch right now, as all his tweets are bitching about being investigated and that he thinks this is harassment.

No you fucker, it’s called congressional oversight required by the US Constitution under Article 1. You don’t want anyone investigating because you know that they’ll find all kinds of criminality. Turns out every investigation into Trump so far has yielded misconduct.

Whether it’s shutting down his fake scam school or his foundation that was laundering money and violating NY law, or his campaign/transition team that lied about everything they did, there’s misconduct for multiple federal prosecutors’ offices, to say nothing about Mueller, who just keeps finding plea deals and convictions.

Also today… Whitaker is supposed to start his confirmation hearing, and he’s bitching about the preparation (or his lack of same).

And apparently flag pins are a thing - Junior tweeted about how Democrats weren’t wearing them at the SOTU and this spread around the right wing outrage echo chamber.

Turns out, that when you look at the Trump clan during the SOTU, none of them were wearing one either. Fucker got pwned.