
Colbert: Trump Desperately Attacks Dr. Fauci, Horribly Dances for Votes

BeachDem10/20/2020 2:29:42 pm PDT


Any perception that Republicans have an advantage on national security issues should be erased by looking at who’s backing the two candidates…

President Trump released a list of 66 Republican “former national security and senior officials” who have endorsed him. Most of them are not actually senior, and few have any actual national security experience. Mainly it’s a list of Republican apparatchiks, including former Rep. Bob Livingston (who had to quit Congress after a sex scandal); former governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi; Trump’s personal lawyer and former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani; Washington lobbyist and former Trump aide Matt Schlapp; former Heritage Foundation president Edwin J. Feulner; journalist Deroy Murdock (identified as a former member of the Education Department’s advisory board on international educational programs); and John Deming, a former deputy press secretary to John McCain. (They couldn’t even find a former McCain press secretary to back Trump?)

Biden has the endorsement of 780 retired military officers and national security appointees — nearly 12 times as many as Trump — including storied foreign policy hands, such as former undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns and former deputy secretary of state William J. Burns, who have worked for both Democrats and Republicans.

Even more impressively, the ranks of Biden endorsers include 129 Republicans — prominent ones.

Biden has the support of more than 200 retired admirals and generals, including at least 22 four-stars. (Trump does not have the support of a single four-star flag officer.)

And Trump wants the next debate to be on foreign policy?