
A Stunning Time-Lapse Short Film From the Atacama Desert: "NOX ATACAMA"

Hecuba's daughter9/04/2017 9:01:29 am PDT

re: #102 Decatur Deb

#26 EPR-radar

—tr*mp is the worst US president ever. There are several other awful presidents, but none of them is even a close #2 —.

The Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee Dreamers insist that Andrew Jackson get a Lifetime Achievement Award.

By most measures, Trump seems the worst president ever. None of the others were suspected of being traitors or willing to sell us out to enrich himself. That said, there is a lot of evil many prior ones committed while in office. Trump has not as yet reached the body count (both Americans and others) that arose because of the policies pursued by Nixon in Viet Nam or Bush 43 in Iraq or Jackson in the war against the native Americans.

We may have to wait a while before he can officially be awarded this title — at which which point this country and perhaps the world will not survive the damage he has done.