
Colbert: Bolton Beats the War Drums While Jared's Immigration Plan Is a 'Complete Whiff'

Teukka5/17/2019 6:05:22 pm PDT

re: #151 Teukka

One of my thoughts when I posted the Valery Alekseyevich Legasov quote the other day was its relevance today. The night of the accident Dyatlov, Fomin and Bryukhanov denied anything serious had happened at all, that the radiation was at 3.6 R/h (36 mSv/h) and that it had been a hydrogen explosion.
Did it change anything? No. Radiation was still at around 20,000 R/h (200 Sv/h = 200,000 mSv/h) in the worst hit areas, and the nature of the accident was still an
open core breach and meltdown.

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Continuing on my line of thought here. I managed to post this a bit early, before it was finished.

Anyways, Dyatlov realized what was up when the fell ill with Acute Radiation Syndrome himself, while it’s unknown when/if Fomin and Bryukhanov came to.

[idea type=half-baked]
As there were individuals in the Soviet Union who didn’t buy the official line and began taking measures, I came to think of something similar as means of PsyOps against climate deniers…
A good chunk of those who believe in climate change denial are preppers. Now, how well are they prepped for climate change? How would you prep for climate change? Point out the blind spots in their prepping, but don’t immediately say it’s for climate change, let them work (hard) to get that out of you.
Are you able to / do you need to prep for climate change? Do so noisily so they know. Do what realistically needs to be done on a personal/family level to prepare for, say, the next century.
Go through the motions as if the climate change deniers in power are intentionally running the world into the ground. If a denier tries to engage you on the topic, cut it short and say “I don’t have time to argue scientific fact” and noisily point out that you need to prep for surviving what is coming.
If they ask what is coming and how to prepare for it, simply say you’ve had it trying to tell them, that they can (fucking) go look it up themselves if they’re interested.