
ACORN Review Finds No Illegality

DaddyG12/07/2009 1:56:29 pm PST

re: #157 iceweasel

But that’s the point. What is the evidence for this nebulous ‘tacit approval’, as opposed to extreme ignorance and stupidity? I don’t see any, and why attribute malicious deliberate motives when something can be explained by ignorance and stupidity (and incompetence)?
There’s no shortage of the latter three in the world.

The only indication (I wouldn’t say evidence) is the similarity in the mistakes made over several organizations including the fake registrations and bad tax advice. It is at the very least a coincidence of magnificent proportions. I suspect in reality there was such a push to get funding and register voters the management turned a blind eye to rumors of misbehavior and thus my use of the phrase tacit approval (i.e. whatever you do we don’t care as long as it brings in money and voter registrations).