
Yet Another Investigation Vindicates 'Hockey Stick' Climate Scientist Michael Mann

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/22/2011 4:14:05 pm PDT

An interesting point…

re: #168 garhighway

I know it wasn’t pointed at me, but I like the question.

Science is not dictated by the whims of people. The universe is the way the universe is. It obeys certain rules. If you believe in G-d, than accurate data is no more or less than the revelation of the Divine will. He made it that way. We just work here. If you don’t believe in G-d, then the Universe itself is that way and that is just the way it is.

In any case, scientists do not make the science. We only uncover what is already there, made by things much greater than men.

We all accept that there are consequences for messing with the order of things or ignoring how they work on some level. For example, we all get the idea that jumping from a great height leads to a very predictable interaction with gravity and whatever is below. We all get that this is lethal. We all get that no amount of prayer on the way down will stop the fall and that the universe will not change the way it works too spare us from becoming road pizza.

So the best way to answer you question is with a question.

Suppose someone had a room on the 90th floor of a high rise and I plastered over the windows to make it look like a wall and I added a door that went right outside. Suppose someone was crafty and made it look like maybe there was a hallway beyond that door, but the reality is there is no floor. If that person convinced people to walk through the door, would it be murder?

Of course it would.

The science of AGW is settled enough to know that the path we are on is as inevitable as gravity and a one way trip to ruin. That is not what I say… That is what the data says. G-d made that data.

Perhaps I misread it or didn’t understand it…


That is the same read as NASA, NOAA, AGU, NSF, The National Academy, The American Physical Society, The Royal Society, and the Academies of England, France, Germany and Israel say - to name a few.

The tens of thousands of us who have collected the data and analyzed it are not all wrong.

And the proof in science is always in the accuracy of the predictions. For example, we’ve been calling for terrible droughts in the American South for some years now. Are we seeing that? Are we seeing increased storm intensities and changing migration patterns? Of course we are.

So the answer to your question is that the GOP is as guilty of murder as someone who lures another over a cliff.