
An Amazing Solo Guitar Piece by Michael Kobrin: "Underwater"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/24/2017 12:53:58 am PST

Wal*Mart Customers Are Furious After the Retailer Ran Out of Black Friday Sale Items Despite Huge On-line Investment (goes to MSN)

On-line sales started at midnight on Thursday morning; by Thursday evening many items were sold out.

“What’s the point in having online black Friday if everything is either out of stock or in store purchase only?” reads one comment on Walmart’s Facebook page on Thursday.

Another reads: “Why is it that many of the sale items in the black Friday ad that are supposed to be available all day today are not online?!?! This is ridiculous and the worst crap walmart has pulled yet!”

“Nothing is in stock online and store selection sucks,” reads a third.
