
Robert Stacy McCain and the Fall of the Conservative Movement

Equable10/15/2009 8:41:23 am PDT

re: #117 SeaMonkey

Yes, the Che image is prevalent in Latino communities. Let’s not pretend everything is hunky-dory re: US-Latin American relations. There is a reason for this anger. Very few people except some fringe guerrillas thousand of miles south of Texas are being killed for it.

I attribute this iconography to simple lack of education. All they see is a Latin man who was instrumental in a rebellion. It makes one wonder whether or not they know that he was a murdering son of a bitch and sociopath. I’d wager that the answer is no, but this is also an unfortunate byproduct of the hive mind. People inherently enjoy picking a face to go along with their rebellion du jour.

The Weathermen were in jail or on the lam for twenty years. I’m not interested in defending them, but continually railing them against them is a straw man argument.

Well knowing that some of them walked on a technicality, are unrepentant and practically brag about being involved with the deaths of people (including policemen) I’d say this is one hell of a topic to rail about. And like Che, these bastards are becoming a part of the college campus left rebellion iconography. Would you consider this to be healthy open-mindedness? I don’t mind people railing against our country/system but when it’s people like Ayers or his bitch Dorn leading the chants – I wouldn’t want those un-flushed turds getting into my son’s mind.

And to use the word “genocide” re: Israel relating to US liberals — please. This is insanely hyperbolic.

Of course not all of them support genocide against Israel, but I have known and worked with some that would advocate this and they did so quite vocally, even in the workplace. When I worked network operations for Earthlink I worked with a couple of cats who openly stated that if Israel were nuked many of the Middle East’s problems would go away. And more recently when I did some work for Cox Communications I worked with several people who echoed this sentiment.

I am a punk guitarist who plays shows – you oughtta see some of the hateful bile that some of these bands spew, especially after some liquid courage. And the crowd waves their fists ever so obediently. Leni Riefenstahl would be so proud.