
Book of the Week: Climate Cover-Up, The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

recusancy12/07/2009 9:54:20 pm PST

re: #146 Walter L. Newton

I’ve been called a denier over and over, and I don’t deny anything. I admit that the finer details of the science itself is confusing to me, but just because I don’t seem to have the ability to totally understand it, I get put down as a denier, or as someone implied earlier this evening, if I wasn’t a conservative I would understand it better.

The point I was making earlier, that you called me a fuck wad for, is that those on the right, or at least those that feel more comfortable identifying with the right, will not be as open to accepting AGW as fact because that would lead to also siding with the left. And it’s hard to break through a barrier like that. I assumed you would (at least until recently), if had to choose, identify more culturally with conservatism then liberalism.

As Charles said above, it won’t feel good when you find out how much you’ve been lied to.

Now if you’ve been a left of center independent or liberal the people you’ve been listening to would be algore etc. therefore rendering my point moot.