
And Now, a Giant Squid

Charles Johnson1/08/2013 5:02:06 pm PST

Ben Shapiro’s having another tantrum about the mean horrible liberals and their rotten bullying: Meet the ‘Bullies’: Breitbart Editor Exposes Obama’s Army of Thugs in New Book.

The left won this election because they bullied. And the right lost because they did not fight back. Now the left has trained its guns once again on the Tea Party. We’re terrorists. We’re hostage takers. We’re racists and bigots and homophobes. Why? Because we have the temerity to want government to live within its means.

The left is filled with vicious bullies. And we must not treat them with civility. In the words ofBarack Obama, we must punch them back, twice as hard.

I learned that message from Andrew Breitbart.

Yes, we know.