
Most Evangelicals Believe Natural Disasters Are the Apocalypse, Not Climate Change

ObserverArt11/23/2014 11:08:31 am PST

re: #6 Skip Intro

The “end times are now” has been falsely predicted for over 2000 years, starting with Jesus. Now it’s an excuse by religious wingnuts to do nothing about that global catastrophe coming our way because you don’t fuck with God.

I really don’t know how so many in this country became so stupid over the last 50 years. Television? The media? I doubt we’ll ever know.

I sometimes think it is laziness. Religion becomes an excuse to be ignorant. Religion offers an easy path to glory, at least in their minds. It also offers the biggest excuses. If something goes wrong it was God’s intention.

So, why bother to learn, to spend time discovering life, it is all going to happen one way or another, so take the easy path, go to church, shake your hands and point to the sky. You are saved.

I would ask God why he bothered with the human brain. Seems a waste for some.