
Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

lawhawk2/06/2010 12:24:42 pm PST

re: #12 Girth

Gallup had an interesting poll, which found that Democrats generally liked capitalism and socialism. I’m thinking that most folks don’t know what socialism means but when you’ve got Democrats and self-identifying liberals giving a positive spin to socialism and capitalism, something’s up with Democrats and self-identifying liberals:

There are significant differences in reactions to “socialism” across ideological and partisan groups:

A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.
Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives.

Now, perhaps Democrats are hoping for a mixed economic structure, but capitalism and socialism are at different ends of the economic spectrum