
Why Palestinians yes, Kurds no?

Ziggy_TARDIS12/07/2012 10:48:13 pm PST

re: #17 Destro

No, that you are some psuedo-revolutionary scum who wants to see others trampled in pursuit of your ideal. Never mind the people themselves in a certain area may not even want to go along with it. The ever wise trust-fund revolutionary somehow knows best.

And in regards to Cambodia, I despise what the US supported under Kissinger, and I think he needs to be extradited to a number of nations for questioning.

However, for all your criticisms of the west, you seem to have a glowing review of the PRC, even with their Cultural Genocide of the Tibetans and Uyghurs. To you, they must be a nuisance.

In regards to Kurdistan, there are some things to iron out. Such as the treatment of a number of minorities with Iraqi Kurdistan, for Starters.