
Anna Meredith Is Reinventing Pop: "Inhale Exhale"

calochortus3/18/2020 8:42:54 am PDT

Day 2 on “lockdown.” Already I’m starting to put things like “take shower” on my to-do list just so I’ll have things to cross off as the day goes along.
Trying not to be too snarky (with limited success) so as not to destroy my marriage. ;)

Actually, I expect to come out of this with a cleaner house, a smaller pile of books to be read, and maybe with the yard in better shape.

A doctor in the neighborhood sent out an email about staying home and social distancing and all that. Among other things he was concerned that people had been shopping at the local grocery store (how he knew that if he wasn’t also there eludes me) and wanted people to have someone drop their groceries on their front porch, etc. Seems to me that would still require someone to go to the store and pick up the items as local grocer doesn’t offer delivery service. A little like when we were going to survive nuclear war by being in a dug-out shelter with dirt shoveled over the top by…whom?

I do worry about people this really affects, though.