
Feel the Noise: Black Midi, Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

Mattand4/01/2021 7:16:52 am PDT

re: #163 Dangerman

I am not in government. I don’t set macro policy.
I live in the micro world where I have some control and influence.

My only goal is to protect me and mine
To do that I am forced to assume everyone I come in contact with would have been at the stadium or some other equivalent dumbassery.

Everyone’s a threat.
Until I can personal!y and individually vet.

Mask, no mask
Shot, no shot

I can’t tell by looking at you.

I forget what capacity they’re allowing, but the Phillies are upping the seating limit at home games. My partner is fully vaccinated and I’ll be there by the end of April.

I’m not in any blinding hurry to go see a game, but I’ve been wrestling with the idea if it would be okay for us to go as long as we stay masked whenever possible (the only real exception to that would be when you’re eating snacks.)

Two big caveats to this:

1) There is most likely an abnormally high percentage of COVIDiots among Philly sports fans, a group not necessarily known for embracing logic or restraint. I don’t need Tony from Port Richmond throwing a beer at us because he thinks COVID is a hoax.

2) The COVID variants are starting to pop up in the Philly metro area. My understanding is the current vaccines handle a lot of them, but I have zero interest in helping spread them further.