
More Advertisers Drop Beck

crimeshark9/03/2009 1:44:18 pm PDT


Love the blog. I’ve been a reader for years- I don’t comment much because I’m in court all day and I’m a bit short on time. To address your question, I have noticed that lately you have put up numerous posts tracing the flight of advertisers from Beck’s show as a result of an organized boycott. Yes, Mr. Beck is a ranting phony who cries on cue. I was subjected to Mr. Beck at an otherwise perfectly nice NRA national meeting, so I’ve had more than my fill of him. But organized boycotts to force someone off the air because you don’t agree with them is a terrible idea. And I’m sorry, but putting up all these posts about this boycott leaves the impression that you tacitly approve of these tactics because the guy’s a jerk. I admit I get some small satisfaction from reading that his show may soon be circling the drain. But I have a big problem with how it’s happening. It’s just wrong to force someone off the air because you disagree with them. re: #75 Charles