
Breaking the Taboo - A Documentary On the Disastrous War On Drugs

Birth Control Works12/10/2012 6:40:18 am PST

re: #171 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

She’s more afraid of the polio vaccine because it’s a live vaccine. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have enough of a science-based education for me to be able to explain adequately why this is not a big deal, and even then, she falls back on her own personal anecdotes that have come to her second- and third-hand and just plain refuses to believe anything I say. It’s maddening, it’s heartbreaking, but I can’t do much about it.

There has to be a good explanatory video or series of videos on youtube you can find to explain the science to her.

Really, anyone who has read history (with or without a science education) should be able to draw the conclusion that vaccinations work. People used to die young and of diseases most of us have never heard of. Milk Poisoning is one of my favorites —very, very common.