
ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution in Schools

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/16/2014 6:24:44 am PDT

re: #171 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

It’s all together. It can no longer be called a communist state. E.g. the Soviet commies were internationalists at least formally (all the while performing ethnic cleansings), but NK is officially an anti-multiracial, anti-multiethnic, ultranationalist, apartheid regime. Its ideology grew from communism but has long ago replaced it.

NoKo is an example of what can happen when one family gains complete control of a nation, with the complicity of the military and top political leaders. China had the cult of Mao for decades, but when the old man died his lustre faded quickly. It’s an open secret that Mao’s agriculture policy was an abject failure and nearly brought the starving nation to its knees. Students still study Maoism and respect him as founder of the country, but he is not worshiped as a demigod anymore.

Not so in North Korea. It is undoubtedly the most isolated, insular nation in the world, to the great detriment of its population — but not to the Kims and the bigwigs there.