
VIDEO: Jordan Klepper Shows Trump Supporters January 6th Hearing Clips, Hilarity Ensues

lawhawk6/24/2022 7:25:11 am PDT

Trump/McConnell has criminalized women’s right to access to health care and reproductive care in particular. This court packed with right wing extremists is going to roll back decades of progress, and Thomas and Alito are going to drive the nation into a dystopian future where white guys get to rape women and force women to carry to term, and get away with it.

This isn’t pro life. It’s a forced birth extremism, and the next step will be for suits against states that protect the right to abortion by claiming that life is sacred regardless and overrule state’s rights.

This decision is predictably as extreme as it gets and ignores jurisprudence and stare decisis. Same as yesterday’s decision on firearms and concealed carry.