
Heads Explode at

blackpajamas4/18/2009 7:53:55 pm PDT

I teach you the Olberman! Fact-checking man is something that should be overcome.

What have you done to overcome fact-checking man?

All creatures hitherto have created something beyond themselves: and do you want to be the ebb of the great tide, and return to the animals rather than overcome the fact-checking man?

What is the ape to men? A laughing stock or a painful embarrassment.

And just so shall fact-checking man be to the Olberman: a laughing stock or a painful embarrassment!

—Thus Spewed Dumbmedia

While attempting to mock Tea Parties in what he thought were just podunk fly-over cities, Keith the Mental Olber-midget listed Walnut Creek California.

For those of you without the benefit of the layers upon layers of fact-checking expertise of the Main Stream Mediocrats, Walnut Creek is about as conservative as Barney Frank at a tax-payer sponsored Turkish bath house junket.

It’s a relatively affluent community, in the SF Bay Area, and stocked with enough fat-waisted liberals to power turbines connected to treadmills for thousands of years (Or at least enough hours of charge for their hybrid cars they use to drive a few blocks to the clinic to get their stomachs stapled every few weeks).

So, if there were a few hundred protesters in Walnut Creek on April 15th, it means the liberals were either all at the clinic at the same time, couldn’t get enough grease on their doors to make it outside, or these protesters were truly rallied and had lost all fear of the stifling socialist stench.