
Stephen Colbert on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Trial at Gitmo

Killgore Trout2/28/2013 4:24:13 pm PST

re: #175 blueraven

The thing is, all pols including congress and WH staff push back against reporters who they think are not correctly stating the facts. And reporters push back against the pols.
The tone between all of them may be nastier these days, just like everything else. But there was no threat or intimidation in that email. In fact the opposite is true, it was quite a friendly and civil disagreement.

I’m sure it’s fairly common, there have been a handful of others coming forward today to say someone on the White House leaned on them about something or other. I’m sure if you dig through the archives there is no shortage of similar allegations from previous presidents. I think Woodward’s ego may also be a factor. He’s been a DC rockstar celebrity and journalistic hero for a very long time. Until recently he’s probably always been treated with kid gloves. The era of his brand of investigative journalism is over. The mainstream journalists are easily to roll over because they’re lazy and not very interested in anything other than collecting soundbites and the partisan media is a willing proxy for their respective parties. Woodward isn’t needed or respected anymore. I think he was a little hurt to be treated like everyone else.