
Breitbart Writer: Men Who Support Feminism Are "Sexually Frustrated Dickless Wonders"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/27/2014 9:00:31 pm PDT

re: #119 klys

I will be incredibly happy to provide recommendations/commentary/whatever, so let me know if you are interested. I am slowly working my way through the US based micro-distilleries.

A foodie friend of mine, who also writes a column for the Louisville Courier-Journal, recently linked me to an article about how many micro-distillers buy a lot of their wares from larger, wholesale distillers and just relabel them.

I’ll need to track down the article, but this site cites a similar statistic.

It starts with us being a grain-to-glass micro-distillery. According to the American Distilling Institute, only about 30% of America’s micro-distilleries ferment their own mash. 70% of micro-distilleries simply buy grain neutral spirits and merely re-label them, throw in some fruit, sugar or artificial flavors, re-distill them, or blend them with some of their own.