
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Everything Tastes Better on a Ritz

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/08/2021 5:17:42 am PDT

re: #178 Dangerman

YouTube’s search listing today is full of vitriol against atheists again.

A common saying amongst atheists is “There’s no hate quite like Christian love.”

Of course it’s not just Christians; all religions fear us.

What ATHEIST IDIOTS need to hear about demons

(random Christian apologist)

I’m aware. They cause epilepsy. A Florida divorce court also agreed atheists are possessed by demons and shouldn’t be around children. (I know the guy the judge did that to. /s Fortunately that judge went to jail for corruption unrelated to that case.)

An Empty and Seductive Philosophy

(Catholic priest’s Sunday homily)

Lying for Jesus, since atheism is not a philosophy. (I suppose it could be seductive. We have cookies.)

Atheist ‘Chaplain’ Claims He Can be Good Without God

(Gary DeMar)

Attacking Harvard’s new Humanist chaplain. Makes the same assertion other apologists have made for two millennia. Please don’t give up your religion if you require it to be good.

3 Reason NEVER Marry An Atheist

(rando Christian apologist)

Holds forth for over half an hour on this subject. Reflects what Pew Research’s Religious Landscape Survey notes, that overwhelming numbers of Christians of all sects (and other religions as well) would never consider dating or marrying an atheist.

World’s Most Notorious Atheist Converts: Anthony Flew

(Catholic priest)

Anthony Flew was an English philosopher. He was an open atheist, but famously stated in 2004 that he believed in an intelligent creator. He died in 2010.

Because of the “intelligent creator” shift in position, Christians have ever since lied and said he became a Christian and “accepted Jesus.” He explicitly stated he was a Deist, and constantly refuted Christian claims while he was alive that he had become a Christian. Now that he’s dead, they can lie about him with impunity and he cannot defend himself. His most influential work was the book “The Presumption of Atheism” (1976) in which he laid out the philosophical arguments for the burden of proof of the assertion of any deity lies on the one making the assertion. The book also sought to change the philosophy profession’s old definition of atheism being a denial of the Christian god to a lack of belief in any deities.

Jordan Peterson - I Am Not An Atheist Anymore

(Yes we know, Jordon, and you dragged all your libertarian acolytes right along with you)

Is it ok to be an atheist. God was never on your side

(musician Alan Ready)

Atheists Are Idiots part 2 Hugo Lopes

(rando Christian, yes there’s a part one to this because Christians need long explanations why we are idiots, along with an excessive expounding of Pascal’s Wager and how we can’t be good without God).

Episode 46: My Story: How Not To Date An Atheist: Part 3

(DSW Ministries)

They are doing a whole series on how to convert atheists if you do go on dates with them, or why you should not date an atheist if you are not prepared to try to convert us.

The existence of Heaven & Hell- scientifically and logically proves to an Atheist

(Dr. Zakir Naik, Muslim apologist)

Same tropes Christians use to “prove” Heaven and Hell.

When You Bring Religion To Work And Your Boss Is An Atheist

(random Christian)

Complaining he can’t proselytise at work by acting as a strawman “angry atheist” boss

Phim Tài Liệu | Ảo Tưởng Vô Thần

(Matt Powell translating his “Atheists are Deluded” video into Vietnamese to go after scientists)

কেন বাংলাদেশে নাস্তিকতা ও নারীবাদ দিন দিন বেড়ে চলেছে

(Hinduism apologist explaining why free will causes atheists to promote feminism against a woman’s nature … interesting the poster uses Dr. Zakir the Muslim apologist to promote where Hinduism and Islam agree: Atheists are bad for misleading women to believe they are “created” equally)

This is in the last six hours or so and there are more