
Watch Live: CPAC, Festival of Right Wing Lunacy, Featuring Lots of Guns

Major Tom2/24/2017 1:53:45 pm PST

Forgive my non sequiturs, I am doing house renovations and listening to CPAC in the background, and feel the need to comment to something other than my cat, although she is very forgiving and attentive.

Just now, I was listening to a panel from earlier with Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R GA) and he said something I found disturbing that I want to comment on. (Also my arms are tired from painting…)

He said, with conviction, that “every law is an infringement on liberty.”

Not to get all highbrow, but I find that very frightening as a concept.

I have always subscribed to the philosophy of Rousseau (and I thought our country did too) and the idea that laws level the playing field and allow true freedom to exist, that without some laws, we would be necessarily dominated by forces that can be prevented…

If you believe, that absolutely, all laws infringe freedom, and that freedom is good for the sake of it, then is it any surprise the Right Wing would cozy up to pedophilia apologists and sophists who apologize for Putin?

More frightening, all laws are susceptible to their suspicion, and therefore, all behavior and alliances are possible given the right circumstances. They are in essence and on the face of it, opportunists. Nothing more.

And that’s not a political party, it’s not an ideology, it’s not even a viable club… it’s a mechanism, a vehicle for the least empathetic among us, it is a means for sociopaths to achieve power.