
Everything Is Different Now - the Breitbartocalypse Is Upon Us

Kragar3/04/2012 10:31:42 pm PST

No biased headlines at Fox Nation, nope, never.

Will Obama Return Pig Maher’s Dirty Donation?

In recent weeks, tensions amongst the liberal and conservative media have reached epic heights. The impact that media figures hold in the political realm is directly affecting this year’s elections. Two weeks ago Bill Maher donated one million dollars to Barack Obama’s Super Pac. The HBO, talk show host has become a liberal media icon for his notoriously obscene remarks and attacks on conservatives. Over the years Maher has hypocritically made statements that judge, criticize and defame conservative public figures. So should Obama accept such a substantial donation to his Super Pac from a man with such questionable character? Is accepting this money furthering a detrimental trend of biased media, political promotion?

Of course, the whole thing about SuperPACs is they aren’t officially a part of the candidates campaign, so its wouldn’t be Obama’s call anyways, but the people at Fox are willing to overlook that for argument’s sake.