
Now We Know Why Tillerson Called Trump a "Moron" - He Wanted to Increase the US Nuclear Arsenal Tenfold

EPR-radar10/11/2017 1:29:14 pm PDT

re: #179 HappyWarrior

Make no mistake, the GOP enabled Trump first by not condemning his role as the nation’s most prominent birther, then their candidates said little to nothing when he insulted everyone as a candidate, & then they rallied around him due to HRC derangement.

The GOP establishment never would have condemned t****’s birtherism. That’s the kind of dog whistle shit that’s been a Republican staple for decades.

t**** won the GOP primary fair and square — he is the authentic voice of the Pig People. After that, full support from the GOP establishment was guaranteed because better a GOP madman in the White House than any Democrat. Republicans are truly evil, both their establishment and their rank and file.