
Overnight Video: Auto-Tuned Weezer

brookly red9/13/2010 11:48:24 pm PDT

re: #18 shai_au

On the first point… using Auto-Tune to make your voice sound all weird and robotic is a relatively new trend, although I do realise that the technology has been used for pitch correction in the past.

On the second point, I have no idea what you are actually trying to say. That I can just close my ears and pretend that something doesn’t annoy me?

No, it’s not the worst thing ever, and as far as daily irritations go it’s relatively easily ignored. But since the original subject of this thread involves Auto-Tune, I thought I would add my two cents on the current use of the technology. You don’t have to agree. :)

I neither agree or disagree, you either give it the power to annoy you or you don’t. But I do agree it is annoying for sure.