
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Charles Johnson1/13/2011 7:50:00 pm PST

re: #17 ozbloke

As Wikileaks currently works, it’s a massively destructive force.

Yes, there’s a place for whistleblowers, and yes, there are some secrets that need to be exposed in order to prevent wrongdoing. But the way to do it correctly is with targeted documents, exposing specific instances of wrongdoing.

It’s naive — no, actually, it’s stupid to think that just puking out thousands and thousands of documents is anything like this. It’s political monkey-wrenching on an international scale, it hurts many innocent people (we just hear about the high-profile ones) and it damages international relations in ways that are impossible to predict.

I’m completely 100% opposed to the way Wikileaks currently operates. It’s a blunt force weapon and all it’s good for is smashing. But that’s to be expected because it arose out of the vision of an anarchist.