
New From Seth Meyers: Trump's Walls and Wheels and Barriers and Vehicles

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/11/2019 7:47:09 am PST

re: #188 HappyWarrior

With Trump? I really am not anymore. I think he’s one of the most unintelligent people i’ve ever seen in public life and he’s surrounded by people who are either equally unintelligent or afraid to call out his bullshit. I think he really thought he would just bully the Mexican government into paying for a wall and that would be that. He had no plan at all.

I am sure that blackmail and extortion are part of his life long Art of the Criminality Deal.

That they put this in the public eye is what stuns me. It’s on a website. It’s fucking written down. They really have lost the “things you say out loud when you think them” vs “things you never say out loud even though you think them” concept and they are actively showing us how forking dumb they are.

It stuns me. Every damn day it stuns me.