
Fox Nation Goes Nirther

191 6:42:59 pm PDT

People find it painful to take an objective and critical look at things they hold dear, and at the things they take for granted.

I took FoxNews for granted for a long time, and realized that they had “lost it” for me ONLY when I realized that I had stopped watching them, and that the reason I had stopped watching was because they had gotten too shrill for my taste. And by “shrill”, I mean sinking into some craziness - not every program, but most of the ones I used to watch regularly.

I hate it when I agree with Killgore; I question whether I’m turning into some liberal - but the bottom line is, when he’s right, he’s right, and when Killgore says something, it should not be automatically dismissed just because we might find him aggravating sometimes.

Folks need to remember, imo, that the fact that FoxNews is being looked at critically here does NOT mean that suddenly the other news outlets are somehow OK - it’s just that the others have been covered, and FoxNews is changing, and not for the better.