
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

robdouth7/30/2010 12:14:33 pm PDT

re: #162 Obdicut

You have to answer yes if you ignore that in the justice system, in employment, and in almost all areas of life, discrimination favors whites.

I don’t agree. If you tell me the justice system favors the rich, then I’ll jump on board with you. I think you have a better chance of being wrongly convicted if you’re poor vs. rich, than if you’re black vs. white.

As for employment, I don’t know and I’ll defer to you on that one, but the question asked a vague question about the government discriminating. If you take that to mean by policy, then you have to answer yes. If you are saying, look at the stats that show this and this, but which is not policy, but what happens because of biases inherent to people, that’s a separate issue. I won’t argue that African Americans are discriminated against in what Jesse Jackson referred to as “covert racism” which may amount to subconscious preferences working their way out to the surface in employment and judicial decision-making. However, that isn’t a government policy.

I guess a better question would be, do you think the policies of racial preferences counteracting the biases in society working against minorities nets to a loss or gain for white people. Or something asking them which group is worse off. If they say white people, then they’re wrong, but again I would argue that money (class) makes much more difference than race in most of these examples.