
Gateway Pundit Listens to Obama Speech, Hears the Word "Great" When Obama Said "Grey," Derp Ensues

Higgs Boson's Mate9/28/2014 9:53:13 pm PDT

re: #188 WhatEVs

I’m going with stupid. From the first minute on. I don’t think they’re managed to do one smart thing during this whole situation.

The Ferguson P.D. also gives me the impression that this kind of reaction to their policing has not happened before. I believe that Brown’s death was not the first time that a Ferguson officer used deadly force under questionable circumstances, it’s just the first time that numbers of the public at large were aware of the Ferguson P.D.s approach to law enforcement. Those cops give me the impression that they never expected to be called on their practices.

And yes, stupid ( First rule of holes: If stuck in a hole, Stop Digging.), and yes, fear-driven racists.

The LAPDs Rampart Division was monitored by the DOJ for compliance with reforms for a period of five years. The Ferguson P.D. and its neighboring departments deserve no less.