
Keith Jarrett, Berlin 2009: An Incredible Solo Version of "My Song" [AUDIO]

mmmirele3/07/2021 8:14:13 am PST

Evangelical Twitter has been losing its shit over Critical Race Theory. One of the bastions of Evangelical Twitter, The Gospel Coalition, posted a piece of garbage article trying to take down Ibram X. Kendi and then it went on from there. The crazy I’ve seen…oh, CRT is destroying churches (can’t name churches, not even the predominantly Black churches that are leaving the SBC because the seminary presidents are all freaking out about CRT).

So we have this.

I’m sure Kyle J. Howard probably isn’t so happy with me distracting the discussion from CRT and the SBC being asshats about it, but hey, let’s just remind people what the SBC doesn’t do…like protect kids from their sexual predator pastors!!!