
Matteo Mancuso: "Past Language" (Guitar Solo)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/18/2022 8:02:12 am PST

Czech Singer Hana Horká Died After Intentionally Trying to Catch Covid

Horka went for a walk outside but when she returned she started to complain about back pain and soon after, died choking in her bed.

An obituary of the singer appeared on the Asonance website and the causes of her death have not been specified.

Jan accuses several experts who have long spoken out against vaccination. “You took my mother, who based all her arguments on your basis. I despise you, you are an absolute waste,” he wrote on Facebook.

‘I know exactly who influenced her… It makes me sad that she believed strangers more than her proper family,’ Rek said.

‘It wasn’t just total disinformation but also views on natural immunity and antibodies acquired through infection,’ he added.