
And Now, 2 Minutes and 27 Seconds of Pure Sick Funk: "Introducing the Fearless Flyers"

Citizen K6/09/2018 5:51:35 pm PDT

It’s just….I’m amazed how in such a short time, Trump has utterly torched decades, carefully cultivated decades of American diplomacy that even Bush the Lesser didn’t manage to destroy and was mostly recovered by the Obama presidency. At least Dubya, inept and dangerous as his foreign policy team was, pretended to make paeans to diplomacy and international alliances. Trump has, within a year and a half, all but declared the remaining G6 as his personal Axis of Evil. He’s destabilized our entire international influence in a fucking ant’s fart time on the historical scale.

And so much of our country fucking loves it because ‘America First!!!!!!!!’ Except at this rate, it’s going to be ‘America Last’, because we’re going to fuck ourselves in a race to the bottom just so we can say we flipped off the world for our bestie Russia.

We’re never going to recover from this. Not for decades, even under the best case scenario where the electorate doesn’t give Dems a similar ant’s fart worth of time to fix everything before deciding to give the entire country back to daddy GOP.