
The Stephen Colbert Interview: President Barack Obama Shares His Frustrations About the White House's Failed Pandemic Response

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/25/2020 2:24:37 pm PST


Everybody, please stay safe. The largest superspreader event in history is starting, and our healthcare system may completely collapse under the strain. Thankfully my wife finally got to start working from home this week, and we are staying hunkered down until we can get vaccinated.

University of Nebraska Medical Center, home of the National Quarantine Center, says Thanksgiving will collapse the health care system in Omaha. Not “maybe,” not “we’ll see,” but “it will.” They are preparing for a wave of death.

The National Quarantine Center warns no one should be holding any Thanksgiving event with people from outside their home. As we can see even here at this site of “rigid empiricism,” people are planning to ignore these warnings from all over the nation because somehow “the only moral abortion Thanksgiving is my abortion Thanksgiving.” They will rationalise, they will claim every sort of protection, then they will ignore every doctor, nurse, and public health official in the land.

In the meantime, UNMC is offering $17 an hour for temporary workers to come in and do anything (office work, administrative paper pushing, answering telephones, &c) so anyone with medical training can be taken off those jobs and thrown into the meat grinder that our governor’s intentional genocide is producing.