
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

Silhouette1/12/2009 12:53:07 pm PST

re: #138 Kosh’s Shadow

You would think the MSM would write about vandalism of Jewish sites

But they never do.

The media only reports on attacks that futher their agenda.

A great example is two attacks that occured within days of each other this year. A man went to a Christian radio station, with the intent to shoot and kill everyone in it. The news coverage was a tiny little story that almost no one saw. Heck, even most of the well-informed LGFers hadn’t heard of it. Then three days later there was an attack on Unitarians, and it was headlines for two days.

Both are horrible, both were done by men who openly stated a hostility toward religion. One, however, also stated a hostility toward leftists. Guess which.