
What's More Dangerous: Leaks, or an Incompetent President Unfit for Office?

Blind Frog Belly White8/04/2017 3:10:43 pm PDT

Okay, the weather here the last few days must have been brought in from elsewhere.

Wednesday was a fairly typical warm Bay Area Summer day - 80s-90s down the Peninsula, fog moving in through the gaps in the late afternoon/early evening. Went to bed with the temps in the low 60s.

Thursday, woke up to high overcast, not the usual low marine layer. 70 degrees at 8 AM. HUMID, like >75% humidity. Still 70 degrees at 11 PM when I walked the dogs and humid enough that I was sweating.

Today, I awoke to the gentle patter of rain. RAIN? Rain. Still high overcast, all day, and humid again.

Some other place has our weather. I wonder how they like the afternoon winds.