
Seth Meyers: Trump's Shutdown Really Is Making America Less Safe [VIDEO]

Scottish Dragon1/25/2019 4:54:09 am PST

re: #192 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Just watched the CNN video on the arrest, and here’s my thoughts.

Trump has the FBI pissed. His constant denigration of the intelligence community AND his willingness to ignore every single security protocol since he was elected AND his (or his campaign’s) clear cooperation with foreign agents have them livid.

The FBI wanted the media to see this arrest. They want the public to see the arrest. They’re sending a clear message to Trump: we are coming after you and your cronies, and we will do it for the public to see, because you guys are criminals. So, someone high up the command gave CNN the scoop and/or permission to film the arrest.

Trump ought to sweating bullets now. He’s pissed off the wrong people.

I think that is probably correct. This was a calculated message, delivered with an M4. The show of force is a middle finger to Trump and his family.