
Limbaugh: 'We Need Segregated Buses'

KingKenrod9/20/2009 12:14:42 pm PDT

Well, it looks like the left is going to trot out the racism argument for opposition to Obama’s policies. As we’ve seen, there’s some genuine racism out there, and there’s genuine concern that Obama’s policies are crap - just as they would be if AlGore or John Kerry were president.

The cry of “racist!” isn’t a rational argument, it’s about perception and assigning motives based on culture. No one comes out and says “You know what? I really don’t like black people”. Well most people don’t

Since being accused of racism automatically puts the accused on the defensive, how do you argue “I wasn’t being a racist?”. And how do you argue it quickly, so that casual observers inclined to believe the “racist!” accusations will tune in and hear your side?

I think ridiculing the accuser is a valid choice. I also think it’s easy to go too far, as Limbaugh does, and perhaps reveal some latent hostility. But I don’t think the hostility is aimed at black people as a whole, it’s aimed at those quick to accuse racism, like Maureen Dowd and Jimmy Carter.