
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

Talking Point Detective1/21/2011 12:21:55 pm PST

re: #165 Buck

Beck, on the today show separates any jokes that he has said (and said the he does not regret them) and the comment about the President.

He does NOT say that the comment about the President was a joke. Pure and simple.

Anyone who says that he said that is “paraphrasing” and making stuff up (again).

Let’s try that again, Buck:

VIEIRA: I’m just, I’m ticking off a couple of them. That the President was a racist. You, you said, at one point, you were joking around, that you wanted to poison Nancy Pelosi. You wanted to beat Congressman Charlie Rangel to death with a shovel. In the spirit of this book-

BECK: Like eight years ago.

VIEIRA: In the – that doesn’t matter. It’s in the past. I understand that. But in the spirit of this book, do you regret that stuff now – having gone through this crisis – say you know what, that was dumb?

BECK: I regret that anything that I said – let me, let me give you this. Anything that I said in jokes? No. Ask Jon Stewart, ask The Simpsons okay?

VIEIRA: You don’t think that, that contributes at all to a climate of anger or hate?

BECK: No, I think. No, ask Jon Stewart that question. Ask The Simpsons-

VIEIRA: But I’m asking you that question.

BECK: But I’m saying if you ask that question, to those guys, I think you’ll get the same answer. No. Comedy is comedy.

You are saying that in that excerpt he is not claiming that his comment about Obama being a racist was a “joke?”

She asked him, specifically, about that comment. And in response he said… “Anything I said in jokes? No. Ask Jon Stewart.”

She offered him the opportunity to affirm that the comment - that she referred to specifically - was “dumb.” He decline, and instead said she should ask Jon Stewart that question.

Obviously, you’re not going to be convinced here. I’ve said my piece.