
Video From the BBC: Cassetteboy's 2016 Wipe

Nerdy Fish12/30/2016 10:23:57 am PST

re: #192 HappyWarrior

I mean the generation bashing does got both ways. And I’ll be fair to the boomers (my parents) generation, I hate it just as much when younger people rag on them too. But I am so fucking sick of older people whining about “participation trophies.” We didn’t beg you for those. You gave them to us. Anyhow, I don’t let it bother me too much because I know we’re going to rag on my niece and the children of her generation when we’re old but man I am sick of bitter old assholes telling me that I can’t appreciate something or someone because I’m a millenial. Yes, I’m a millienial but I feel I’ve learned a lot from my grandparents generation, my parents, and my older cousins who are predominately Gen Xers. Maybe they should try learning something from us instead of bitching about us all the goddamn time. Rant off.

One thousand times this. And I try not to do too much generational bashing in either direction, because in the words of Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”