
New Feature: Lazy Loading of Embedded Tweets

PrairieQueen1/15/2021 7:25:11 am PST

re: #181 Mattand

The Limbaugh denial thing is odd, too. This guy used to be crazy for Blue Oyster Cult and the NBA, and now looks at you funny when you bring it up. He used to take a personal day to watch the NBA draft. Now? He either pretends these things never happened or that it was something he was into for like a few days and then moved on.

Getting married and having kids affects people in strange ways sometimes, I guess.

They pat themselves on the back for being so well informed by conservative crackpots, but can’t admit they worship the wingnut pieces of shit they admire unless they’re in a comfortable situation, like a herd of like-minded wingnuts.

Trust, he’s telling n*gger jokes when you’re not around. I don’t know one of these assholes that doesn’t like to get really down dirty and racist when they think they’re safe from criticism, and then it’s all about poor white folk and their burdens, and the daily assault on White America forced on them by the Libs. Bank on it.