
Tea Party Crowd Estimate: 60-70,000 People

thefarmer9/12/2009 11:52:36 pm PDT

re: #159 Gus 802

Sorry Gus, you are not making any sense. People going into Medicare have paid into it for years. Yes, they can object to stupid plans like Obama has for the future.

To get back OT there was a Tea Party here in our small town of 16,000. I couldn’t go, had to work, go figure that’s what made America.

My Dad was visiting and he did go, there were about 300-400 there in our rural IL town. Nothing crazy or racist as I’ve seen accused in the media. Simply people in rural IL who don’t like where BO is leading our country. We are very much about self reliance, and helping each other, not govt. handouts here.