
Pakistan Frees Nuclear Salesman A.Q. Khan

nyc redneck2/06/2009 11:10:19 am PST

re: #135 newsjunkie_ky

Bet you do, too. I love that cafe. My daughter, granddaughter, and I go all the time for lunch and get baby books. It is the best bookstore evah. Although lots of moonbats hang out there.
How are you doing? We are finally thawing out and the snow from the big storm this week is melting. FEMA finally got to KY, but had to stop the meals as they contained the recalled peanut butter.

the food tainted w/ bad peanut butter would be all over the nyt if this was n.o.
front page and lots of moaning abt. poison on top of hurricane misery.
(i’m glad you are getting a spring thaw down there.)